Monday Medley: Benefits of spirulina, psychotherapy news
My husband and I would like to get a little more iodine (and a little more blood pressure control) naturally in our lives, so we are considering taking spirulina. This superfood has a ton of benefits, is packed with protein and vitamins, and we’re heading to the health food store to find out more information this week. Anyone have experience with it? I want to know if it’s a sustainable food, too.
Here are five lovely, gentle ways to handle lying in your home. Lying is such a toughie but these ideas really do help.
It sounds like the whole “tiger mom” parenting style doesn’t really work. You know, Wood Sprite keeps a poster of a tiger mom with her cub in her room and I always say that that’s us, that I’m always with her and watching out for her no matter what, and when I heard about the whole “tiger mom” thing it made me feel ill. That is NOT the kind of tiger mom I am. Can I reclaim the whole tiger mom thing?
Have you heard that a study has shown that psychotherapy is just as effective as anti-depressants?
And this study suggests that humans are nonviolent creatures.
In some of the saddest news you’ll hear this week, this five-year-old child was terrified after being interrogated at school. His crime? Bringing a toy gun to school.
I love this post of milestones that matter.
Got ants? Here are 21 natural ways to get rid of them. And here are some natural ways to control pests in your home and garden this year.
This precocious kiddo’s decision to not eat meat moved his mom to tears and is circling the web. I’ve written before about how my 2/3 of my family mostly doesn’t eat meat, but this toddler made me think about going veg again.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia