Monday Medley: Babies remember

Could a glass of wine a day cut your risk of depression? Or is it the social aspect of drinking with friends that does it? When I lived in Spain, I did drink about a glass a day, usually with my evening meal, and it was one of the happiest times of my life. Of course, it was also the only time in my life I didn’t have to work, except teaching, which has never felt like work, and I was able to write as much as I wanted, and eat long meals, and walk everywhere… And of course, I’ve seen alcohol contribute to depression as well.
Think that babies can’t remember anything? Think again. And when you really think again, you might even remember some things as a baby yourself. I remember my dad lifting me above his head and “flying” me around the room.
Here are a bunch of unschooling conference recordings to listen to at your leisure.
So Texas is renaming the Transatlantic Slave Trade the “Atlantic Triangular Trade.” Call a turd by any other name, Texas, and it’s still a turd. If you don’t want to seem racist, use it as a lesson and grow from it; don’t deny its existence.
What does opening a democratic free school look like? Glad you asked.
“School is a prison.” Unschooling advocates repeat this phrase over and over again, and there really are a multitude of reasons why. Here are some of them. Please read Dr. Gray’s article and, if it interests you further, his book Free to Learn.
The new blog Unschoolery has some great thoughts about the worry you feel about your child learning. I already follow Leo’s blog Zen Habits and I am really enjoying this new one so far.
Another great new project: Pat Farenga’s Alternatives to School. Check it out!
Photo courtesy of Sara S. I'm sure baby deer remember, too!