Mon Medley: Waste-free lunches

Here are some excellent ways to make waste-free lunches.
Buy a chicken sandwich from Sonic this week through November 15 and get one free with this coupon.
Have you heard about the family that’s being charged a whopping $20,000 from their local fire department for their services? Their trailer burned down so they are homeless, and they just had a baby, and now they have this immense bill. The private company is charging them $150 per hour per firefighter plus $1,500 per fire truck. The family pays taxes for firefighters, but not this particular company. It’s truly outrageous. There’s got to be something that can be done about this. I grew up around firefighters; my uncle and cousin were firefighters. These men would never put a family though something like this. The firefighters I know would be raising money to help this family find a new home, not charging them $20,000. If you want to help the family, please consider donating to any Wells Fargo branch to the “Purcell Family Fire” fund, account number 6745432424.
A Christian group is concerned that Christians are being persecuted in North Korea through torture, starvation and death. To help, they are air-dropping not food or personal care items but tens of thousands of Bibles on the country.
Did you also hear about the father who is being called an unfit parent because he wouldn’t take his son to McDonald’s? I haven’t heard the entire story between this couple and their custody battle (and these things can get brutal) but a psychologist saying that not taking a four-year-old to McDonald’s makes you an unfit parent is pretty stupid.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia