It’s a pretty savvy business plan!

Girl Scout sells cookies outside pot shop

In San Francisco, a 13-year-old Girl Scout who completely understands the concept of supply and demand set up her shop outside a medical marijuana store and quickly sold out. After 45 minutes, she had to call for more cookies!

Our troop held two cookie booths last year and we didn’t do half was well as this girl. On the first day, we sold NOTHING. Not one box. We sold in front of a Wal-Mart, where several other troops had been double-booked, and it was cold and rainy. The older troops would not give up their spots, so our little Daisies had to spend their very first cookie day in the rain, close to the highway, away from the store. It was a very depressing day.

The next sales day was better, but it was still cold. In front of a Save-a-Lot, we ended up selling more boxes—but we still had several left over. If you don’t know already, every troop must sell boxes from the orders we take. For example, if we only sell one box of lemon cookies, we are still responsible for selling however many other cookie boxes come in a whole case (I think it’s 12). It took us forever to sell our 60+ boxes as a troop of just four girls.

This Girl Scout and her mom used a genius idea for their sales, and I applaud them both for it. The government could learn a thing or two from these two women; I also applaud San Francisco’s sale of medical marijuana, which I think should be legal across the board—especially since things like alcohol and cigarettes are legal.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia