Fun things to do with labels

Wood Sprite is constantly getting into my labels, which drives me nutty. I love them and use them both as labels as well as white-out (see more about that below), but she’s always taking them and using them for projects (along with my post-its, by the way!). If you do have extra stick-on labels around the house, here are some fun things to do with them.
Make art. Check out this turtle Wood Sprite made and go from there. Lizards, owls, tigers—the possibilities are endless. You could also make anything from Angry Birds to mandalas. Just play with the pattern and create something with the labels.
Use them as white-out. I cut my smaller labels into strips and use them instead of a white-out pen (which doesn’t let me highlight!) on my planner.
Make your own stickers. Just use markers, glitter, whatever you want and you can make the kinds of stickers that you want that the stores just don’t have. Wood Sprite loves to do this and put them on her journals.
Make body jewelry. I know it sounds crazy, but she’ll decorate her labels and then put them on me as bracelets or rings. Pretty cool, actually, although they don’t stick on for very long! She once made me nail polish strips, even though I’m pretty sure she’s never seen any in the store (and I’ve never used them before).
Make clothing. She decorates labels and wraps them around her small toys (animals, Lego people, etc.) as clothing.
Secret messages. Wood Sprite likes to write tiny messages for me (usually “I love you” or little hearts) and leave them on labels around the house. I’ll find them on my nightstand, my planner, the bathroom, wherever.
What do you like to do with your extra labels?
Photo courtesy of Sara S.