Fun projects to do with the family
Looking for something fun to do this Sunday without getting out of your pajamas? Here are some easy family friendly projects and crafts that Wood Sprite and I might tackle. Tell us about your plans in the comments below!
Print out some free Valentine’s gum wrappers for easy goodies this year. (Sprite and I will probably design our own instead; we need to make 30 for our homeschool party.
Make a marshmallow catapult to launch sugary goodness across the room. Then use the marshmallows to build a sculpture (since you can’t eat them). Feel free to toss the remaining, clean marshmallows in your own homemade cocoa! Wood Sprite and I love to make caramel hot chocolate with a chocolate bar, a chocolate caramel bar and some milk.
These funky animal necklaces are so cute! Wood Sprite and I were finger weaving clothing for her stuffed animals while we had company tonight, but I bet she’d like to make them some necklaces tomorrow, too.
Tackle a sumac wreath for Valentine’s Day. Isn’t this absolutely incredible? I never would have thought of it. Trust Twig and Toadstool to come up with something this cool.
Reading Confetti has some really cool science projects to tackle this winter. We’ve got to try growing snowflakes, and although the last time we tried to blow frozen bubbles it didn’t work (Wood Sprite’s new favorite saying is, “You failed me!” in a dramatic, Gollum-like voice at her experiments), I bet we could make it work in the cold temps we are supposed to get early in the week.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia