Try out these interesting and unique projects with your family.

Fun art projects for the week

Wood Sprite is out gathering acorns this morning as I write this. We had the electric company come out to cut down some limbs yesterday from our old oak tree, and she is ecstatic over the branch. She has some cool ideas for her acorns, and I know I want to make some little jack-o-lanterns and colored acorn caps again this year. And here’s another acorn activity. What do you do with acorns in your family?

Check out this amazing idea using Google Earth for landscape painting subject material from Pink and Green Mama! I never would have thought of it—and the results are very beautiful.

Here’s an activity pack about scarecrows from Notebooking Nook.

Make these lovely watercolor and crayon mushrooms! I want to do these all over everything

How about a cool crocheted skull shawl?

Happy Hooligans have a fun sensory play idea to use on mirrors.

Check out this cool Klimt trading card idea from Art Projects for Kids. She also has this cool Crazy Cow Painting up.

Learn how to create a broken glass effect for Halloween from Halloween Forum.

Make your own vertical herb garden. How clever!

Download a free book about ancient Greece from Knowledge Quest Maps and do some projects based on it. Normally I’d recommend this on a Saturday but it’s only free today, so get it while it lasts!

Make an adorable corn husk owl.

Try your hand at some retro bead earrings. This is yet another idea from Dollar Store Crafts. They also have this fun idea for a glam Halloween wreath. Does it remind anyone else of Fuzoodles?


 Photo courtesy of Wood Sprite