Here are enough activities to fill up your next couple of weekends!

Friday Fun: Must-read books, fun old sayings and Earth Day crafts

Here’s a list of 25 books every kids should read. I would change a few, but I think it’s a good list overall!

This fun post from Mental Floss explains 10 old sayings that used to be popular. They would be fun to integrate into normal conversation! Along with a friend of mine, I am trying to integrate “Merlin’s beard!” into conversation a la Harry Potter and can vouch for how much people get a kick out of stuff like this.

I LOVE this sun catcher craft. I am going to make a bunch of these for our new house (which we will hopefully be finding and moving into this summer!).

Make your own homemade, natural makeup, like this bronze powder and mascara.

Next week is National Park Week, where you can get into national parks across the country for free! Make some plans to visit one near you.

This week, our Girl Scouts troop got together to make these fun recycled starter plant pots out of toilet paper tubes for an Earth Day Project. Here are several other fun Earth Day projects you might be interested in doing:

11 Recycled Egg Carton Ideas (I love the sand candle idea!)

Earth Day Craft

Water Bottle Mobile

And here are a couple of fun spring ideas from

Make a Windsock

Bug Jar

Here are some fun ways to get organized.

Check out this experiment that shows that we are way too hard on ourselves regarding how we look. Even though parenting is not mentioned, it’s yet another reminder to maintain a positive self-image with our children to help them create and maintain their own positive self-concepts.

And here’s a lovely quote about humility and gentleness to finish off the week. Have a wonderful weekend!

Photo, "Porcupine Family," courtesy of Sara S.'s daughter, Wood Sprite