Plus Memorial Day ideas, composting, backyard games, postcard sharing and more!

Friday Fun: Mini quote book for mom

My mother doesn't like advent calendars, but she loves meaningful quotes. This adorable printable at Delightful Distractions offers a sweet printable book of quotes that would work really well for my mom on Mother’s Day.

Do some of these fun ideas from Play at Home Mom:

Backyard Games

Catch Tadpoles

Paint with water

Make a compost bin! It’s good weather for it, and it’s super easy. You can see the difference in how large our weeds grow in our garden with compost versus the ones in the yard without in my photo (ha! Maybe I should just weed the garden itself this weekend…) We made our bin for free out of recycled pallets my husband brought home from work.

You can get a free Memorial Day resource unit here. It features coloring pages, printables and lots of information you can use. We have a new memorial in town that my family will probably visit during Memorial Day this year.

Check out how kids are making a difference at The Story of Stuff.

Join in this fun homeschool postcard sharing project.

Check out what happens when kids don’t do homework. The people in this slideshow went to an alternative school in which no homework and no grades were assigned. Each person is a successful, seemingly happy individual who makes me feel so jealous after doing hours of homework a night for nearly half my life! The school they attended made it a priority to nurture their interests, and many of them did not pursue traditional education at all following graduation. THIS is the school reform our country needs.

The Mindful Homeschooler blog has a great post about science resources for unschoolers.

Photo of Gigantor and Average Joe Dandelions courtesy of Sara S.