The protective labyrinth of the female anatomy is unbelievable.

Dragon-guarded treasure

First of all…

I’m pregnant!

Oh, conscious caregivers, I am so excited. If you know my history from previous posts, you know that our first baby was born three months early due to pre-eclamsia and I’m high risk for it developing again. She was in the NICU for three months, born at only 1 pound, 1 ounce, and it was terrifying. So I was scared at first—we have been very careful for seven years to not get pregnant!—but now I’m just trying to stay calm, be positive and welcome this little peanut (or sesame seed, as Wood Sprite says). Keep your fingers crossed for baby to cook 38 weeks!

So Wood Sprite now wants to know all about the baby’s development. She’s known how babies are made for a while—and she wasn’t even very grossed out because we discuss everything, and it was very matter-of-fact—but she wanted to know more about the specifics, so we watched a bunch of baby development videos on Baby Center’s website. Holy cow, have you ever thought about how the female body protects your little egg?

You’ve got to watch the video if you haven’t. It’s absolutely amazing. There are winds—winds!—and protective body parts that grab sperm and pretty much kill them, and webs of labyrinths—it’s like a labyrinth protecting a treasure, only allowing the strongest through, which is really lucky for our species, I think. Any time you think you’re not strong enough or good enough, think of how amazing your DNA is to have survived all of that and remember that you were literally the strongest among millions—40 to 600 million, to be exact!