Take care of your chompers!

Dental Health Month

Did you know that February is Dental Health Month? In honor of your pearly whites, here are some things to do to celebrate.

Tell teeth riddles. Remember Bilbo’s riddle in The Hobbit?

Schedule an appointment with your dentist. Indy’s new job includes insurance so we are all making appointments this spring! Don’t have a dentist? Make a point to find one you love this month.

If you homeschool or are otherwise in a position where you can do so, try brushing your teeth after lunch as well as in the morning and nighttime. See how it feels and whether or not you’d like to make it into a habit.

Read books about teeth. Use the American Dental Association free curriculum, Smile Smarts, to teach about oral hygiene.

Find out how the rest of the world brushes their teeth. Discuss it with your family. Could you take care of your teeth this way? Why or why not? Should you make any dietary changes to help protect your teeth?

Really take a look at what you use on your teeth, from your floss to your toothpaste to your toothbrush. Do you want to try something new or make any changes? Would your child like to try something new? Go to the store and pick out a few new tooth care tools to try.

Do you floss? If not, try creating a new habit this week for your teeth. Try different kinds of floss to see what works best for you. I like rolls of floss I can use with my hands, for example, while Wood Sprite prefers the hand-held plastic flossers.

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