Here are some cute crafts and books to enjoy.

Chanukah fun


While my family is not Jewish (or any denomination), we do enjoy learning about different cultures and traditions, especially those of our friends. Sometimes we even make crafts to go with our learning (okay, a lot of times!). Here are some of the crafts and books we are checking out this week.

Watercolor Menorahs: The Appy Holidays has a cute and simple watercolor idea to use with masking tape.

The Latke That Wouldn’t Stop Screaming: This is our absolute favorite Chanukah book. We read it last year and Wood Sprite was so excited when I reserved it for her at the library again this year. It’s hilarious (it’s also written by Lemony Snicket, if that tells you anything) and we love to both scream while the latke screams.

These Chanukah figures with cork feet from Creative Jewish Mom are cute. We won’t be making them because I don’t have any corks, but I thought I’d include them here in case anyone is interested. Her creative dreidel craft sticks are also a cute idea, and one that we might make since we usually have hundreds of those laying around.

Mighty Girl Book Recommendation: Although we haven’t read it yet, we checked out a book recommended by A Mighty Girl at the library yesterday, too. It is called Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama and I like how it looks like it’s going to address having multiple cultures in a single household. Unfortunately our library did not have the other books recommended.

What Chanukah resources do you like best?

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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