Seattle police will hand out Doritos at Seattle's HempFest

Every year, Seattle's police department has been surprisingly benevolent to HempFest, the annual celebration of all things pot-related, by generally turning a blind eye to the festival. This year, in the wake of legislation which legalized marijuana in Washington State, the SPD has stepped up to the plate to actually participate in the festivities: by handing out Doritos.
The Seattle Police Department wants marijuana enthusiasts to at least be aware of the rules regarding marijuana in Washington State. (Even if they decide to willfully ignore them.) To this end, the SPD wrote a guide to the rules which was widely hailed as being, frankly, hilarious. (It includes the phrase "ounce of Super Skunk in my trunk" and a video clip of the scene in Lord of the Rings when Gandalf smokes "Toby's finest pipe-weed.")
In order to promote this Q&A, the Seattle police have decided to set up shop at this year's HempFest and hand out free bags of Doritos which have been slapped with a sticker printed with the URL of the article.
There is no word on what Doritos flavor the SPD will choose for this honor. Will they be boring and traditional, and just stick to classic Doritos or Cool Ranch? Or will the SPD keep pushing the envelope and go with one of the wild new varieties, like Dinamita Chili Limon, Jacked Enchilada Supreme, or Spicy Sweet Chili? (Note: before you make the obvious joke, Doritos do not currently have either a ham or a bacon flavored variety. I checked.)
Here is a potential problem I see with the SPD's plan: apparently they intend to hand out 1,000 bags of Doritos. However, estimated attendance for HempFest's entire three day event is 85,000. I forsee a Doritos shortage to the tune of about 84,000 bags.
Image courtesy Flickr/elisharene