Not all is well that ends well

We've all been there before. You are engrossed. You have found a new book that you are absolutely devouring. Seemingly every word of every page was written for your entertainment, and for this, you are grateful. You are staying up far too late reading, and even when the weekend hits, you are trying to avoid social contact so you can spend more time with your new infatuation. It seems like this book has now taken over the top spot for best relationship of your life, but then, suddenly, it all comes crashing down. The end of the book is a piece of garbage. While it is an experience most readers have had, it doesn't need to be the end of the world. There are some ways to get over bad-ending blues.
Remember the good times: Sure, the ending of the book was on the same level as the upcoming Scary Movie 5 film, but that doesn't mean it was all bad. Why not go back through your notes, your favorite parts and anything that inspired you and fixate on that before putting the book down for good?
Burn it: While not all of us were blindsided by a book revolving around ancient rituals (stupid Dan Brown!), sometimes outward expression of our internal frustration is necessary. Make that book your kindling for the beautiful fire that warms your home.
Binge eat: It works with breakups and it works with bad book endings. Nothing helps uplift the human psyche like some good, old-fashioned, comfort food! Binging on popcorn, cookies, ice cream and all the good stuff is excusable when a book broke your heart.
Find a new suitor: Sure it will be tough to replace the first ¾ of the last book. It understood you, I get it. But to ever feel good again, you’re gonna have to move on. It’s time to find a new book. This book will be better, and will give you all the things the last book promised but didn't deliver.
Drink: It sure as hell beats moping over a stupid book!
Photo courtesy of Dreams Time