Netflix Streaming adds Adult Swim shows

I have been waiting for Adult Swim content to be added to Netflix Streaming for a long time now. In fact, just a few weeks ago I was bemoaning
A) The lack of Adult Swim shows on Netflix Streaming
B) The horrible interface for watching shows on the Adult Swim website
But as of this morning, my Netflix queue runneth over!
Here's an overview of what Netflix has added so far:
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- The Venture Bros
- The Boondocks
- Robot Chicken
- Squidbillies
- Metalocalypse
- Samurai Jack (technically this is a Cartoon Network show, not an Adult Swim show. But it is so awesome, it deserves to make this list.)
- Delocated
- Childrens Hospital
A lot of the shows have been available at but man, it is a colossal pain to try and watch them there. The videos are chopped into short segments with ad breaks in between them, it's difficult to sort shows in any kind of order, and they dump all of their Adult Swim Gold (a.k.a. "You Probably Can't Watch It"), full episodes and episode clips all into the same bucket.
For each of these shows, Netflix Streaming only has the first season available. Bummer. I assume they will be adding more seasons as time goes on. (If you want to keep an eye out for new content, my secret weapon is the Netflix Streaming New Releases RSS feed.)
I wonder about the shows that didn't make the list. What about Eagleheart? (Eagleheart is amazing!) Or any of the shows whose loss I recently lamented in another article? But let's not quibble. This is presumably just the first round of Adult Swim content addition. However, if history has taught us anything, it's that content can vanish from Netflix Streaming in an instant. So you'd better watch these shows fast, before some network executive changes their mind!
Image copyright Squidbillies/Adult Swim