John Fox speaks about early playoff exit

Just one more article, then we’ll let it go

You know things didn’t go as planned when a certain event that occurred nearly half a year ago still gets talked about. In fact, you know it must have been real surprising if the banter about said event is still getting front page news in national sources. That event, of course, is the Broncos botched playoff loss to the eventual Super Bowl Champion Baltimore Ravens. While the Denver Post ran an article last week talking about forgiving Rahim Moore and moving on, ESPN went straight to the source for one last look at the decisions behind the Bronco loss.


According to Denver Bronco head coach John Fox, “That’s the one that gnaws at me. We get the first down there, and Baltimore can’t stop the clock again, and the game’s over.” The “one,” that Fox is referring to, of course, is the 3-and-out drive that led to the late game score which pulled the playoff game into overtime. The Broncos ran three straight running plays which gained only 3 –yards, forcing a punt. The result? A 70-yard bomb from Joe Flacco to Jacoby Jones that tied the game. At this point in the game, the Broncos were down to 3rd string back Ronnie Hillman.


While many thought Fox played too conservatively when he had manning take a knee with time still on the clock, Fox disagrees. Fox told reporters, “When [Baltimore] scored that touchdown, you could hear crickets in the stadium. You think the crowd was shocked? IT was a lot harder on the players and the coaches.” Fox believed that the shock from such a p lay would have led the Broncos to another mistake, leading to a chance for Baltimore to win the game. His only regret is the 3 running plays for no yards.


Though the hit to Denver was a tough one, Broncos fans have a lot to be excited about in the 2013/14 season. Hopefully it will start with some redemption in the first game of the season versus the Baltimore Ravens


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