Everything you need to survive, without all that annoying cooking and chewing.

Man adopts Soylent shake diet

Food.  We love it, we eat it, we take time out of our day to purchase ingredients and put it together.  But one guy thinks that all the effort involved with preparing and munching three times or more a day is a complete waste of time and money.  In order to maximize his efficiency, software engineer Rob Rhinehart has put together everything you need to survive into one convenient shake. He calls it Soylent, but it’s not made out of people.

Thinking that the time he spent making and eating food could be best used for other things, Rhinehart did a little bit of homework to figure out exactly what the body needs to survive.  From there, he tested away and made sure that he got everything in the right proportions to prevent any unwanted bad-health side-effects from his project.  Via his website, he has been tracking his progress with the new food and has even posted the recipe for those that may be interested.

The end result is a shake, mostly colorless that has everything the body needs to survive, thrive and remain healthy without most of the calories and other toxic stuff that tends to hitchhike into your system from regular eating habits.  It also has the added bonus of saving him time and money on the smaller things, like cleaning dishes, buying groceries, energy bills and even toilet paper.

So Rhinehart may have created the optimal nutritional option for himself, but what else does he plan on doing with this discovery?  He has expressed his belief that the concoction could be used efficiently to help with world hunger and malnutrition.  It may not add pounds to people, but it does have everything they need to be healthy.  He also hopes that Soylent will set off the next wave of eating, encouraging people to join him in the future of food.

Though it sounds strange, I have to say that Rhinehart may have a point here.  People certainly won’t give up on their tasty hamburgers and fries, but all those health shakes out there may now become obsolete, as long as people are willing to stick to the shake.

What do you folks think?  Would you be willing to switch to Soylent if it meant you’d be healthier and could more easily maintain whatever weight you desired?  Or does the idea of just drinking a shake at each meal sound too daunting for real life?

Soylent Shake courtesy of livescience.com