A restaurant in France where phones help people to hit on each other

The Restophone

Sometimes when you’re travelling around in a foreign country, you feel like going out to get something to eat and then maybe hitting up a club later to meet some of the locals.  There are plenty of places that let you do both in one location, though few do it in quite the same way as Montpellier’s Restophone.  This restaurant/night club takes hooking up to the next level by putting a phone at every table so you can feel free to call up whomever in the place you want to.

Sure, this may just be for lazy people that want to chat up the ladies but don’t have the courage to walk all the way across the room to where they happen to be sitting.  But actually, when you think about it, a restaurant with phones makes perfect sense.  We do, after all, spend most of our time glued to our cell phones.  It’s almost second nature at this point to communicate via phone before interacting with someone face-to-face.

Since it’s also a night club, the place has a full dance floor with DJs spinning modern music.  The party-like atmosphere makes it easy to give someone a call and ask them to dance.  So if you plan on going to Restophone, don’t expect to just stop by and get a meal, although the food is reportedly good.  No doubt you’ll end up receiving a call before your stay is up.

Unfortunately, the place is open only about as much as your typical night club, from Thursday to Saturday, starting at 8pm and going until 2am.  It also opens on certain holidays and they feature a singles night one Wednesday out of each month.  For some reason, I’m getting a mental image of speed dating though with phone calls.  If this unusual approach to meeting people appeals to you, check the place out when you’re in Montpellier.  Or head over to their web site for more information and some photos.

Restophone entry courtesy of restophone.com

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