Take a trip through the park, order your food along the way, eat amongst nature.

Taiyuan’s Tang Du Zoology Restaurant

If you’re looking for a place to eat that is not only beautiful but truly huge, check out China’s TangDoushengState Park in Taiyuan.  More commonly known as Tang Du Zoology, this is a restaurant unlike others in that you may spend just as much time getting to your seat as you do eating.  It is a massive sprawl of mixed man-made and nature, filled with animals - many of which you can eat.

Tang Du first opened its doors in 2005, the intention behind it to have an indoor park where people could go to eat, relax and be in the middle of nature for a while.  The recipe was a success and this park/eatery, the size of around three footballs fields, is wildly popular among both locals and tourists. 

Walking through Tang Du you will see many different natural environments, with features that include waterfalls, trees and expanses of exotic plants.  There are also recreational areas that feature a kids’ playground and live musical performances.  This is spread across a vast area that spans multiple floors and provides numerous different locations in which to enjoy your meal.

It begins as you walk through the park/restaurant.  You’ll be led past places where your food is kept, often in a live state.  Giant tanks of seafood abound.  You’ll be able to order as you walk, picking and choosing what the final meal will be.  You’ll also get a chance to see through transparent walls into the massive kitchen that takes care of Tang Du with its 500 cooks. 

There are other animals around that are not edible, such as some seals that you’re allowed to feed.  This great journey is partially because Tang Du is renowned for the sheer number of items available on their many menus.  After the meal is decided upon, you’ll have a seat in one of several different seating areas.

Visiting Tang Du can shape up to be more like a day-trip than a simple meal.  If you have the time to, you can sit and relax, enjoy the atmosphere and fill your belly all at once.  It’s a must-see if you’re in the region and enjoy authentic Chinese food, albeit on a bit of a mass-produced scale.  It’s also just one of many things to see in Taiyuan.

Tang Du photo courtesy of megaodd.com