The Golden Raspberry Awards: Celebrating stinkers since 1980.

Which bad movies won Razzie awards?

Happy Oscars day, everyone! As I sit here counting down the hours to tonight’s big Academy Awards show, I thought why not highlight some of the worst that cinema had to offer us in 2013? Last night, the 34th Annual Razzie Awards were held in Hollywood, and in my opinion, they definitely got it right.

The Razzies were created in 1980 as a way to bring balance to Hollywood, to keep things in check – even as the stars celebrated their greatness on Oscar night. Razzies are always awarded in a special ceremony held the night before the Academy Awards. This awards show is the great equalizer!

The big winners of the night (if you can actually call them, you know, winners) were the sketch comedy Movie 43 (starring pretty much everyone ever) and the science fiction/action film After Earth, starring Will and Jaden Smith. If you’ve seen either of these movies, you are no doubt nodding your head furiously right now in total approval.

I watched exactly 10 minutes of Movie 43 not too long ago, and it was so bad, I didn’t even feel like mentioning it here. I was worried some might actually, out of sheer curiosity, decide to see it – just to see if it really is that bad. It is – but not in a “so bad it’s good” kind of way. Trust me. Don’t do it. Movie 43 won Worst Picture, Worst Director and Worst Screenplay. Rightfully so.

As for After Earth, well, a handful of people might actually find the film slightly enjoyable, but overall? This one deserved the Razzies for Worst Lead Actor (Jaden Smith), Worst Supporting Actor (Will Smith) and Worst Screen Combo (Smith and Smith).

And one last thing that must be mentioned: Perennial Razzies favorite Adam Sandler went home empty handed this year! That’s right, for whatever reason, Grown Ups 2 did not win a single thing. So does that mean it’s not that bad, or does it mean that it’s so bad it wasn’t even worth considering for a Razzie Award?

You can check out the full list of Razzie Awards winners here, but be warned: Your eyes? They’ll burn!

Which movie would be your top choice for the worst film of 2013? Let’s hear about it in the comments, please.

Photo courtesy of The Sydney Morning Herald