What's on your DVR, and will you ever watch it?
I often look at my ever-growing list of DVR selections with dismay. Will I ever really watch any of these shows? I'm not talking about those weekly shows I know I'll watch. I mean stuff that I mean to watch, but just never get to. The backlog on my TiVo is, to say the least, ridiculous. Does anyone else find themselves in a similar situation?
The chances are, you are in the same boat. A recent study by Motorola Mobility revealed some eye-opening statistics about people's DVR habits. The most interesting one? Apparently, most of us don't ever bother watching more than 40 percent of the shows we record. I'd say that sums up my circumstances perfectly, how about yours?
The thing is, we are most definitely using our digital recording devices to record a lot of content. The new study showed that nearly half of all U.S. homes own a DVR. What are we recording? A lot of times, it's shows that are on at the same time. I find myself with that conflicting TV show problem often, and thank goodness for DVRs, but that's not the only way I'm using my DVR.
I go for the free weekend DVR-ing. What do I mean? Whenever Showtime or Starz or HBO offers a free weekend of viewing, I load up on any and all films and original shows that look even remotely interesting. When I schedule that recording, I assure you I have every intention of watching the movie/show...eventually.
Before I wrote this, I took a good, hard, critical look at my DVR. I have movies recorded for a "rainy day" dating back two years. Two whole years?! It's rained a lot in the past 24 months, but the films go unwatched. I have one full season of a favorite show that I just haven't gotten to (yet). And I don't know what the heck I was thinking when I decided to record all those Nova episodes. I'm never going to be "in the mood" to watch them, am I?
How about you guys? Anyone else care to share with me what's on your DVR? Will you ever watch it, or will it just sit there, taking up space in the device until you have to delete it to make more room? Let's hear about it in the comments!
Photo courtesy of DigitalTrends.com