Another huge summer blockbuster weekend has arrived.

Weekend movie preview: Robots battling monsters battling grown ups

Well, here we are: It's finally Friday, and guess what that means? Yes, it's time for the latest installment in What's In Theaters This Weekend and I've got to say, anyone who can't find at least one film currently playing to see well, you'll never be happy with anything. Ever. Seriously we've got action movies with robots and monsters, an Adam Sandler sequel (more on that in a minute), two solid animated family films and a few decent comedies, too. See my point?

We're well into July now, and the box office shows no sign of slowing down, at least for now. This weekend, two major summer movies are opening: the sci-fi action thriller Pacific Rim and the aforementioned Adam Sandler sequel Grown Ups 2. I asked earlier this year if we really needed a Grown Ups 2...apparently so. At least, someone in Hollywood thought it was a good idea. Judging from the positively abysmal reviews it's getting, that someone has absolutely no taste in films.

Apologies in advance to those who still love Adam Sandler's movies, but after the crap he's put out in recent years, I cannot get on board with anything he's doing right now. Yes, the trailer was good for a chuckle, but I firmly believe that's going to be as good as the laughs get. We'll be skipping Grown Ups 2 and probably opting (if we go at all) for the Guillermo del Toro-directed Pacific Rim instead. I think we're making the right choice. Reviews are decent for it, so why not?

Of course, if neither of these options seem overwhelmingly awesome (totally understandable, not everyone digs robots and monsters battling it out), you could always opt for an indie film if you can find one. I'm specifically suggesting the drama Fruitvale Station, which is based on the December 31, 2008, shooting death of Oscar Grant at the BART station in Oakland, California. This movie is getting rave reviews, and it won major awards at this year's Sundance Film Festival. No, it's not a blockbuster, but it sure looks like a wonderful film worth seeing.

What movie do you most want to see this weekend? I'm disappointed that Fruitvale Station isn't playing near me yet, but I'm not surprised. After all, I'm still waiting to get Before Midnight, and I'm starting to think that might never happen.

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