What do you think, 'X-Men' fans?

Trailer alert: 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

Fox has released the first trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past, and it's certainly interesting enough. This is our first look at the film, which is due for release in May of 2014, and it merges together the X-Men characters (Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen) and their younger, First Class selves (James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender). We knew this new X-Men movie would feature a ton of returning major characters, but wow, seeing them all together in this two-minute trailer is a bit overwhelming.

This first trailer attempts to explain what promises to be a really complicated X-Men story. This is a narrative-heavy trailer, so don't expect any fancy mind-bending special effects. In fact, director Bryan Singer tweeted as much, explaining that this first trailer is "primarily a character piece," because the majority of the special effects for the film "are not yet finished."

Here it is, fans, the trailer we've all been waiting to see for X-Men: Days of Future Past:

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST - Official Trailer (2014)

Watch it again if you need  to - I sure did. My first reaction is that yeah, this is really heavy on the storyline, but it almost needs to be. As a casual X-Men fan, I need this set up to help me understand what's going on. My second initial reaction was joy at seeing some of my favorite X-Men characters, the strong females (Rogue and Storm most notably) on screen again.

But my strongest reaction? It's "Hallelujah, Bryan Singer is back in this thing." Honestly, I loved X-Men and X2, and I welcome his return to the franchise. It's for this reason that I'm cautiously optimistic about this film.

I'm also enjoying the fact that this trailer gives us just enough information without spoiling anything.

Any hardcore X-Men fanatics out there who want to weigh in on this first X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer? I'd love to hear what you think!

Photo courtesy of EW.com