Who led in movie categories?

The People's Choice Awards nominees are out

For many years, my newsroom had a running joke: That someday, if we were all really lucky, we'd get to interview Sandra Bullock. I'm not even sure how it all started, but whatever - we all loved Sandra Bullock. I even love bad Sandra Bullock movies. And Gravity? Well, it's one of my favorite films of 2013, and Bullock's performance in it was brilliant. Sandra can do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned. Even though I can't interview her, I can sure write about how awesome she is right here.

Sandra Bullock looks to be one of the big stars of the upcoming People's Choice Awards. Because lots of people love her, not just me. Bullock got five nominations total, including favorite movie actress, favorite movie duo (twice: once with George Clooney in Gravity and again with Melissa McCarthy in The Heat), favorite dramatic movie actress and comedic movie actress. Just give the woman all the awards and be done with it.

I'll stop prattling on about how much I adore Sandra Bullock now, and tell you about some of the other noteworthy nominations for the 2014 People's Choice Awards, which will be given out on January 8. The favorite movie nominees are: Despicable Me 2, Fast & Furious 6, Iron Man 3, Monsters University and Star Trek: Into Darkness. Really? That's it?! Of those, I only really liked one enough to vote (Star Trek). Still, it's a people's thing. Who the heck *are* these people anyway?

I'm taking this way too seriously, clearly. This is all in good fun. This is not the Academy Awards. This is more of a celebrity popularity contest.

Anyway, the favorite movie actor's category is pretty decent, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Hugh Jackman, Robert Downey Jr., Channing Tatum and Johnny Depp. With all due respect, Depp? The Lone Ranger?! Yeesh.

Favorite movie actress nominees include Sandra Bullock, Scarlett Johansson, Melissa McCarthy, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston. I'll let you guess who I'm hoping will win.

Voting for the 2014 People's Choice Awards ends on December 5, so if you are even remotely interested, you can cast your votes here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go vote. You'll never guess who I'm voting for...

Photo courtesy of Digital Spy