Chill bumps, anyone?

The new 'Godzilla' trailer is out, and it's epic

Back in December, when the first official Godzilla trailer came out, I told you how much it spooked me. I love a big scary monster movie – and Godzilla is THE original big scary monster. These are super fun movies for kids and adults alike, and this new Godzilla film now has a brand new trailer, which, quite honestly, blew my mind. It’s excellent. It’s much longer than the teaser we’ve already seen, but even still, it doesn’t give too much away. I always feel like trailers tell us too much about a story ahead of time.

Not so with this trailer for Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla:

Godzilla - Official Main Trailer [HD]

Yes, yes, yes! I’ve watched this trailer multiple times now, and this looks positively epic! The sounds of Godzilla alone terrify me, but the visuals look stunning. At long last, we get a much better look at this monster that is destroying the world. This is the original Godzilla, I suspect, because they even mention the 1950s attempt to destroy him. I could be wrong, but that’s my take. Any other Godzilla film fans want to weigh in on this?

The teaser for Godzilla was really good. This trailer? This trailer has me totally hyped up and genuinely excited. It’s the first trailer this year that’s given me goose bumps.

We get more Bryan Cranston in this new Godzilla trailer, too, which is always a plus. People, when a terrified Bryan Cranston tells you that you’ve screwed up and unleashed a monster that will “…send us back to the Stone Age,” you’ve really messed up.

This movie will be a massive blockbuster, regardless of critics, I predict. With a May release, there’s no doubt. It fits perfectly. Who doesn’t want to go see an epic Godzilla movie over the summer?

And FYI, for funsies? Check out this viral site for the film that’s already up and running. It’s actually worth bookmarking, I think, because as we get more clips and trailers for Godzilla, this site will probably expand even more.

Can this Godzilla make us forget all about 1998’s unfortunate disaster of a disaster film? I think it just might.

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