'Insidious 2' did very well, but it's not good news for 'The Family'

Scares ruled at the weekend box office

I've long felt that horror movie fans are incredibly loyal to the genre. They turn out in droves for almost all horror-related flicks, even if they're not particularly well reviewed ones. And sequels? Oh, please, horror fans love a good sequel, too. That's why I'm not at all surprised that Insidious: Chapter 2 was the big winner in this weekend's box office race. What does surprise me a bit, however, is how much money James Wan's follow-up to Insidious actually made.

The numbers are in, and it appears that not only did Insidious: Chapter 2 take the number one spot in its debut weekend, it also managed to set a new September box office record. Insidious 2 raked in a very impressive $41 million dollars. That's much better than predicted, and it's enough to make this film the second-biggest September movie debut of all time (behind 2012's Hotel Transylvania, which took in $42.5 million). And here's something I overlooked last week when I was breaking down the possible contenders: Insidious: Chapter 2 had a production budget of just five million dollars. That's big, big money for FilmDistrict, and it only hammers home my ongoing belief that big budget does not a good film guarantee.

This past weekend's number two movie, the mob comedy The Family, took in just $14.5 million - a weak showing, particularly for a movie with a hot shot director (Luc Besson) and an all-star cast led by Robert De Niro. And when you consider that The Family's production budget was $30 million, well then, this isn't good news. This is a must-see on DVD, but for me, not a must-see in theaters.

As for the rest of the weekend's top five box office, Riddick was third with $7 million, Lee Daniels' The Butler was fourth, taking in nearly $5.6 million (and hitting the $100 million mark domestically) and We're the Millers held down fifth place, with $5.4 million.

Did anyone see any of these movies over the weekend? I think we're heading out to see Insidious: Chapter 2 today. Football took up most of my Saturday and I just wasn't in the mood for any more scares after the nail-biter of a game between Alabama and Texas A&M (Roll Tide).

Photo courtesy of EW.com