Fans, be excited. Be very excited.

New trailer alert: The 'Veronica Mars' movie looks great

At long last, the first full theatrical trailer for the Veronica Mars movie has arrived, and I can't think of a better way to kick off my first movie blog post for 2014. I've made no secret that I'm a huge VM fan, and I cannot wait to see this film when it's released on March 14. The TV show remains one of my favorites of all time, and the fact that Rob Thomas, the creator of Veronica Mars, is writing and directing, gives me great hope that as a fan, I'll love seeing Kristen Bell doing her thing on the big screen.

I'm also an investor in this movie - sort of. Back when the Veronica Mars movie Kickstarter happened, I jumped in and contributed. Sure, I didn't give much, but I gave something, and so did tens of thousands of other fans. This Kickstarter was fully funded in a matter of 10 hours or so, proving beyond a doubt to Warner Bros. that there was more than enough interest in a big screen Veronica Mars adaptation.

Here is the first theatrical trailer for Veronica Mars:

Veronica Mars - Theatrical Trailer (In Select Theaters: March 14, 2014)

Thoughts? To me, this gives us all a much better idea of what to expect from the Veronica Mars movie than the sneak peek footage from Comic Con we got last summer. I have always felt that this show was gone far too soon, so at least for now, we'll get another fix - even if it's just for a couple of hours. And I'll tell you now that as a fan, I'm hoping that Veronica and Logan wind up together. Piz is just borrrrrrringgggg.

To my fellow VM fans: Are you excited about seeing this TV series made into a movie? I'm also really curious to hear what non-fans think, too, because I know the hardcore fans will buy tickets - but the casual fans and those who didn't watch the show will help this film do well, ultimately. I think there's enough information in this trailer to at least get a few more potential fans on board.

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