Jon M. Chu returns to direct second feature Bieber doc.

New trailer alert: Justin Bieber's 'Believe'

A lot has happened since Justin Bieber's first feature-length film, Never Say Never, hit theaters a couple of years ago. A whole lot. Since then, the Biebs' squeaky clean image has become pretty tarnished. Living the life of a young pop star certainly keeps Bieber under a microscope at all times, but his behavior's been pretty crappy in recent months.

All of this makes me wonder what to expect with Justin Bieber's Believe 3D, the new documentary film that also features Bieber's mentor, Usher, and his manager, Scooter Braun. And now, we've got the first trailer to give us some idea about what's coming.

Here you go: Trailer number one for Justin Bieber's Believe, right here:

Justin Bieber's Believe - Theatrical Trailer

Well, from that, I gather that they are, in fact, going to address some of the situations that have made negative headlines for Justin Bieber since Never Say Never was released in 2011. And yeah, Biebs is shown being asked by director Jon M. Chu if he's aware that he could become the next train wreck. And Chu's right, when he points out that we've all seen this sort of thing before. The fall from the top can be long, painful and brutal to watch for all of us.

Let's hope he doesn't. No one likes to see young talent (okay he's not the greatest, but he's talented enough) fall from grace. It's depressing. I'm not Bieber fan but I did watch Never Say Never late one night and you know what? It's not a bad film at all. It covers what it's like to become this kind of massive superstar. There's a ton of pressure, certainly, and you really begin to understand how young some of these superstars are - too young, in some cases, to handle that level of fame. In that sense,  Never Say Never is interesting. I expect more of the same from Believe, too.

Any Justin Bieber fans out there want to weigh in on the trailer and on the upcoming movie (which releases on Christmas Day)? Feel free to say your peace in the comments.

Photo courtesy of The Hollywood Gossip