This weekend's box office blockbuster preview is a doozy.

Monsters and zombies and Superman, oh my!

If you're heading to the movies this weekend, leave early: The seats will be filled, along with the parking lots. This is it: This is the point I wait for all year, when literally every huge blockbuster (almost) is out in theaters at the same time. It's a battle royale of cinema, featuring some hefty contestants. Which film comes out on top? I'm almost certain I can tell you, but we could see a surprise or two.

To summarize this weekend's movie choices, you've got monsters, zombies, Superman, apocalyptic stoner humor, magicians and really cool people driving really fast cars. Sound fun? You bet it does.

Two major blockbusters are opening this weekend: the zombie thriller World War Z, starring Brad Pitt, and Pixar's Monsters University, the long-anticipated prequel to 2001's (awesome) Monsters Inc. I have to be honest when I tell you I cannot decide which of these movies I want to see first. I'm being told that I must choose just one for the weekend. Nooooooo! Zombies first...or monsters. It's a tough choice, one I'll make on Saturday. I suspect we're going for World War Z first.

How will these two heavyweight newcomers fare at the weekend box office? Extremely well. I can't wait to see which film takes the top spot, but I'm also curious about the total take from all the top films combined. It will be staggering.

If you haven't seen Man of Steel yet, you owe it to yourself to check it out. Not everyone agrees on whether this film is a huge hit or a huge miss (or somewhere in-between), but I firmly believe that with some movies, you just have to shut out the noise and go see for yourself. Personally, I really liked it.

If I had to pick the top five finishers at the weekend box office in order, I'd say Monsters University scores a comfortable number one. Man of Steel should drop to two, but I think it will still take in a good bit of money in its second weekend of release. I'm giving spot number three to World War Z, though I wouldn't be completely shocked if Z overtook or tied with Man of Steel at two.

Reviews for World War Z, by the way, are pretty decent. One of my current favorite critics (I'm trying so hard to connect with someone after Roger Ebert's passing) is Peter Travers from Rolling Stone. I'm finding that I agree with his reviews more than many of the other critics. Anyway, Travers gives World War Z three out of four stars in his review, saying, "The suspense is killer." I feel like I'm going to like this one, even if it does deviate a lot from Max Brooks' book.

What does everyone want to see this weekend? And if you've seen any of these movies already, let's hear what you thought in the comments!

Photo courtesy of Page to Premiere