How, exactly, would a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' movie work?
I just found out that 20th Century Fox is looking to get the rights to the ridiculously popular Choose Your Own Adventure book line, and my nostalgia meter is soaring. When I was a kid, back in ancient times (aka the 1980s), I devoured every single one of the Choose Your Own Adventure books, picking out what I wanted to happen along the way. If I didn't like the ending I'd chosen, I'd just go back and pick another option. Easy peasy. If only life was that simple...
The idea of potentially adapting one or more of the Choose Your Own Adventure books into a major movie is definitely intriguing, but I'm pretty befuddled. How, exactly, is this going to work? If you want to stay true to the books, you'll want to somehow give audiences the option of changing the story along the way, right? Is this sort of interactive movie watching even possible?
The only thing I can come up with at the moment is that maybe everyone in the audience for a Choose Your Own Adventure movie would get some sort of controller or device that lets them log their choices at certain points. The majority would rule, and the film would proceed based on what most people picked as an option.
I suppose at the very least, if the majority of the audience picks a crappy ending, they have only themselves to blame. I'm willing to bet we'd see a lot of theater lobby squabbles, too.
And how the heck would movie critics review a Choose Your Own Adventure movie? The possibilities for this are just fascinating, and I can't wait to see how this works out. I'd totally forgotten how much I loved this book series until today, and I'm excited that a whole new generation might discover the series' charms.
This is just a personal opinion, but my favorite Choose Your Own Adventure books were The Cave of Time and The Mystery of Chimney Rock. Anyone else a fan of the Choose Your Own Adventure series? What was your favorite, and would you want it turned into a major motion picture?
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