This year it’s anyone’s guess.

Final Oscar predictions: No going back

We’re down to the wire now, with the 86th Academy Awards just days away. I’ve gone back and forth for weeks now, really since the nominees were first announced, trying to figure out who will win what – and I’ve struggled. Last year, I had such a strong gut feeling that Argo would win best picture. This year? I can honestly say I have no idea. We have three strong contenders. One of them will win. I’m going to give you some of the big winners predictions solely based on my gut. Hopefully they’ll help you fill out your Oscar ballots correctly.

Best Picture

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m really torn between two films in this particular category: 12 Years a Slave and Gravity. Now, it’s time to pony up. I must choose. Since I’ve put myself under the gun here, I’m going to have to go with 12 Years a Slave as the winner. I think this one gets the win, with Gravity getting Alfonso Cuaron a Best Director Oscar statue. That being said, if Gravity does win in this category, I’ll be equally thrilled.

Best Actor in a Leading Role

I feel the most confident about the acting categories for this year’s Academy Awards. This is Matthew McConaughey’s year, period. His turn as Ron Woodroof in Dallas Buyers Club was unforgettable. I’ve discussed this before, but it wasn’t just his physical transformation that made the performance so fantastic. It was everything. This was truly the role of a lifetime for McConaughey. He’ll get his Oscar on Sunday, and we’ll get another killer acceptance speech.

Best Actress in a Leading Role

One name: Cate Blanchett. Her turn in Blue Jasmine as a fallen NYC socialite who moves to California to get back on her feet is absolutely brilliant. There is no one else in this category who even comes close, in my mind. If I had to choose a runner up, it would certainly be Sandra Bullock for Gravity. If Blanchett wasn’t in the mix, this Oscar would go to Bullock. As it stands now, though, it’s Blanchett’s alone.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

I said I was confident about picking the acting Oscar winners, and that includes the supporting actor categories as well. This one belongs to Jared Leto for Dallas Buyers Club, for pretty much the same reasons that McConaughey will win. It’s more than just Leto’s physical transformation in the film that blew me away. His performance was beautiful and sensitive. He and McConaughey elevated Dallas Buyers Club from a good movie to a great one.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Back in November, I explained in my 12 Years a Slave review that the film “ripped out my insides.” I was feeling incredibly emotionally overwhelmed at the time, and all these months later, I still am. I also told you to remember Lupita Nyongo’s name. She is brilliant in this film, and I believe she’ll win the Academy Award for her performance. That being said, I also have to give mad props to Jennifer Lawrence for turning out yet another Oscar-worthy performance, this one in American Hustle. But if Nyongo doesn’t win this one, I’ll be shocked.

Best Directing

I’ve already addressed this in my Best Picture prediction, but it bears repeating: Alfonso Cuaron will win the Academy Award in this category for Gravity. He deserves it. Gravity was one of my favorite movies of 2013, and seeing it was one of the best theater experiences I’ve ever had. No other director, even 12 Years’ Steve McQueen, comes close to Cuaron. If anyone else wins this, it’ll be a huge upset in my mind.

Okay, so those are my “Big Five” predictions, so let me also give you a few more, just so I’m on the record.

Original Screenplay: American Hustle is my choice here, and Her fans, don’t shoot me, please! Honestly, Her would be my second choice.

Adapted Screenplay: This one should go to 12 Years a Slave, with a nod to The Wolf of Wall Street as a runner up. Wouldn’t it be awesome if Before Midnight won? Yes, but it won’t. So don’t go there, fans.

Best Cinematography: This one goes to Gravity. Emmanuel Lubezki’s work is impeccable.

Best Animated Feature: Frozen wins this by a mile.

Best Documentary: I am not sure, and while I keep seeing 20 Feet From Stardom getting mentioned as the favorite now, I have to believe The Act of Killing will win. I’m still just so angry that Stories We Tell wasn’t nominated. Maybe my bitterness is obscuring my objectivity in this category.

As for the other categories? I really don’t know. I’m terrible at picking them, and half the time, I guess.

What about you guys? What movie, actor, actress or director do you absolutely want to win on Sunday night? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Happy Oscar watching, everyone!

Photos courtesy of and The Guardian