Historically accurate? Maybe not entirely, but it's a great film.

'Captain Phillips' Review: Tom Hanks is amazing

In April of 2009, a group of Somali pirates boarded the Maersk Alabama cargo ship off the coast of Somalia and took the ship's captain, Richard Phillips, and held him hostage for several days. Phillips wrote a book about his experiences, the book was optioned, and now we have the potentially Oscar-winning movie Captain Phillips on the big screen. Is the movie worth your time?

Absolutely, yes, Captain Phillips is an outstanding film with a stellar performance by Tom Hanks as Richard Phillips. I'd expect nothing less from Mr. Hanks. He rarely fails to deliver. I'm thankful that I finally got to see this fantastic movie, and if you're on the fence about seeing it, I feel safe in recommending it.

Captain Phillips is a tense drama, and despite my reservations, even though most of us know the outcome of the story, it doesn't take away from the movie at all. You'll still wind up clutching your chair and holding your breath during certain scenes. Yes, this is a docudrama and yes, director Paul Greengrass once again delivers a stellar film. I think Greengrass' early years as a documentary filmmaker really helps him now. He knows exactly how to build the tension just enough to keep you riveted throughout.

And let's be fair about this: In this case, the real story is so absolutely compelling that screenwriters really didn't need to punch anything up all that much. What happened to Captain Richard Phillips was horrifying and harrowing. I fully intend to read Phillips' memoir, A Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALS, and Dangerous Days at Sea, as soon as I possibly can.

How accurate is Captain Phillips? That's up for debate. In fact, in the days following the movie's release, several of Phillips' crew members on the Maersk Alabama came forward claiming that their former captain wasn't a hero at all. Nearly a dozen of the ship's crew members have filed a lawsuit against the owners of the Maersk claiming their lives "were recklessly endangered" by Phillips. Why? In part, these crew members claim that despite warnings of pirates in the area, Captain Phillips sailed too close to the Somali coast, putting the ship (and its crew) in danger. Keep your eyes on the headlines, because a trial is scheduled to get underway in Alabama in December.

Here's my thing: I saw a fictional movie based (loosely) on a real life event. In that respect, Captain Phillips was as compelling a film as I've seen all year. While I'm certain that it isn't 100 percent accurate, I still enjoyed watching the movie. I usually take all "based on a true story" Hollywood movies with a massive grain of salt, and Captain Phillips was no exception. If you take issue with fact vs. fiction super seriously, enough that you can't get past the nitpicking, then I suggest waiting for the DVD. If you just want to be entertained for a few hours, then go ahead and get a ticket for this movie now. You will not be disappointed.

As far as the positives of Captain Phillips, there are many. I've already mentioned the biggest factor,Tom Hanks, but it bears repeating: Hanks' performance in this film will get him another Academy Award nomination. In my opinion, this is actually one of Hanks' strongest performances of all-time (particularly in some of the final scenes of the movie), and that's saying something. I also feel the need to mention the fantastic performances by the Somali cast as well, particularly Barkhad Abdi. The story is compelling, but the acting in Captain Phillips is just over-the-top great.

Paul Greengrass is a gifted filmmaker (duh, Laurie). I've long thought this, and now Captain Phillips solidifies him as one of my favorite directors working today. This is the kind of movie that could very easily veer off and become boring, but Greengrass never lets that happen. The result? A taut thriller that is perfectly paced. The tension rarely lets up for very long. And I will admit I did get just a bit queasy during some of the scenes (if you get seasick, you might too).

To summarize: Captain Phillips features one of the best acting performances of the year, thanks to Tom Hanks, and fans of director Paul Greengrass won't be disappointed. This is a movie based on a terrifying real-life event, and while it's not all fact, it's compelling enough that you'll be highly entertained regardless.

Photos courtesy of EW.com and MovieFanatic.com