Just how much will this sequel make?

Box office preview: 'Hunger Games: Catching Fire' will dominate

Figuring out what I think will be the week's top grossing movie isn't usually very difficult, and this week is no exception. It's rare to have two mega-blockbusters debut at the same time, so there's always that one film that seems a sure bet. This week? Yeah, it's The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. There's no question in my mind that this will be the biggest earner at the weekend box office. The only real question now is, how much will it make?

Some are predicting that yes, Catching Fire will not only earn huge numbers, but that it will also break some records. Box Office Mojo seems to think that Catching Fire will no doubt do as well as 2012's The Hunger Games, which took in a whopping $152 million when it opened. It might even surpass that, just a little. I know I have friends who'd never read the books or had any vested interest in the story before they saw The Hunger Games, but they sure do now. Add in those people, and you've got the potential to go even higher. We'll see.

But yay, either way. It's a win for us, fans, because reviews are great and even though this is a middle story, it's apparently done quite well. I can't wait!

The only other major opening competing (if you can even call it that) with Catching Fire is the Vince Vaughn comedy Delivery Man, and it will likely take second place. Include movies like Thor: The Dark World and last weekend's very well performing The Best Man Holiday and yes, theaters are going to be jam packed.

So what are you seeing? Will you see Catching Fire this first weekend, or will you wait until next week, when you've got (hopefully) some time off to hit the theater? I might wait, and opt instead for 12 Years a Slave while it's still playing here. I'd hate to miss it. Either way, within the week I fully intend to see Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Haymitch and so many of my other favorite characters back again on the big screen!

Photo courtesy of ScreenCrush