'Ender's Game,' 'Free Birds' and 'Last Vegas' lead the charge.

Box office preview: All the movies coming out before 'Thor'

I really need to pay attention. All week, I've been super psyched because I thought Thor: The Dark World was coming out this weekend. Imagine my disappointment when I checked my theater listings and didn't see it! It comes out next weekend, so I'm starting this weekend already in a bit of a post-Halloween candy consumption funk.

Ender's Game finally opens this weekend, and while I'm not overly excited about seeing it, I probably will. And let's just address this right now: I do not in any way, shape or form condone any of the hateful drivel that comes out of Orson Scott Card's mouth. I think he's a tool (honestly I think worse but I'm keeping this PG-13) and I absolutely hate his anti-gay stance. However, I won't boycott the Ender's Game movie: Card is not going to benefit directly from the film's success. Check out this piece from The Wrap - it's very insightful. If you're like me and you do want to see the movie but you just can't stand the thought of lining Card's bigoted pockets, read the piece. Then boycott his book.

Enough about that, I don't even want to spend any time dwelling on something so upsetting and irritating. Back to the box office we go: I do believe that Ender's Game could very well dethrone last weekend's number one, Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa. This is a highly anticipated sci-fi adaptation with some serious star power (Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford and Viola Davis to name a few). Interest is high, reviews aren't terrible (most are so-so) and it's not a stretch to think Ender's winds up on top.

Two other major movies are opening this weekend: The animated, time-traveling turkeys comedy Free Birds and the comedy Last Vegas, starring Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman and Robert DeNiro as a group of Vegas gamblers out for a weekend of crazy fun. For parents hoping for a new great family film, beware: Reviews for Free Birds are, frankly, horrible. Don't expect too much. Last Vegas' reviews are only slightly better. Both of these seem like sure-fire DVD rentals, but I can't bring myself to pay theater prices to see them.

Whatever you see this weekend, I do hope you enjoy it!

Photo courtesy of RopeofSilicon.com