JGL gives us the first clip from his upcoming movie 'Don Jon'

A very special Father's Day present from Joseph Gordon-Levitt

I hope that everyone enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing, fun-filled Father's Day weekend. All my dad wanted to do was sit around and watch some hoops action, so I was the dutiful daughter and watched with him. It wasn't awful, and it's what the Big Man wanted, so there you go.

Oh, and we also discussed movies. I actually took some time today to thank my father for introducing me to the magic of the movie theater, all those years ago. I remember (vaguely) seeing films like The Apple Dumpling Gang and of course, Superman, E.T. and some Disney movie about bears in the wild that made me scream my head off so loudly that dad snatched me up and literally ran us out of the theater. I don't remember the name of the movie, but I hope I never see it again.

Anyway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, officially one of my favorite actors working today, decided that Father's Day was the perfect time to introduce all of us, via Twitter, to his new comedy movie (his directorial debut, no less): Don Jon. And it's certainly interesting. Tony Danza, of all people, plays Jon Sr., Don Jon's dad. In the clip, Don Jon has decided that it's high time his father met his smoking hot girlfriend, Barbara Sugarman, played by, who else? A smoking hot Scarlett Johansson.

Here's the clip, but a word of caution: The language is most definitely NSFW so make sure the kiddos aren't anywhere around when you hit "play."

Don Jon clip #1 -- Jon Sr. meets Barabara Sugarman

So um, there you go. Now keep in mind that early reviews for Don Jon are absolutely phenomenal, but at this point, I'm not convinced it's a true winner. I'm also not entirely sure about ScarJo's Jersey accent, but I suppose many in the demographic for this film could care less.

For now, I'm just keeping Don Jon on my radar, and keeping faith in Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The man is so incredibly charming, it's impossible for me to resist him in any movie - especially one he wrote, directed and stars in.

Don Jon, which also stars Julianne Moore and Brie Larson, is set for release on September 27, 2013.

What do you guys think? Hilarious? Insulting? Wait and see because hey, it's JGL and it's probably going to be great?

Photo courtesy of AreYouScreening.com