Appreciation needs to be the basis of all relationships.

Learning to love yourself

I was lucky enough to grow up in a good family. We always had food on our table and shelter over our heads. Along with that, there was a general love for one another. We are close with our relatives, and though we may not have a specific family "thing," we get down in our own way. Good families are hard to come by, so it is tough to make a realization what character faults do to upbringing. But even the most sane of families make an impact on your life, and learning to deal with it is all part of the process.

While my parents brought me up to look for the good in everyone, as well as handing out a tough dose of devil's advocacy, they never taught me to let to go of the ones who may be hurting me. Growing up I had some friends who had their endearing qualities, but when push came to shove, often times I found myself more unhappy than happy with them. This idea of sticking it out, which I had been brought up to believe was noble, followed me for years. Now, mid-twenties and living like a vagabond floating in the wind, I've learned sometimes it is best to just cut the rope.

The truth is, mutual appreciation should be the basis of all relationships, with family, friends and romantic interests. Whether you are just starting out a friendship, or have been involved in said relationship for years, if you are not appreciated, maybe it’s time to head for the hills. It may not always feel good, but in the long run, it will be the right choice.

If you find itself unhappy in your life, maybe it is time to reassess some aspects of your current existence. While it is necessary to take a hard look at your own actions, toxic relationships take a toll. If those around you are causing more hurt than happiness, it is time to move on. Life is too short to spend it trying to explain yourself to those who don't appreciate you for who you are.

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