It's over... now what?

Nation reels from the loss of Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad became a true cultural phenomenon in its five seasons on the air. After the series finale ended last night, I was surprised at how everyone seemed to fall silent. Unlike most other series finales, which caused the internet to practically collapse under the weight of the chatter that exploded right after the episode aired, no one seems ready to talk about this one yet. It's like we're all staggering around suffering from a hangover.

The most clear, lucid, and fair review of the series I have found so far is here at The AV Club. All along, the AV Club has done a great job of pointing out to its readers that Walt is not the hero of the series. That he is a terrible man doing terrible things. I'm not sure every Breaking Bad fan has gotten that memo - there was a lot of vitriol directed at Skyler over the last few seasons for being such a "killjoy" - but I find it refreshing.

R.I.P. Breaking Bad. I wonder what Vince Gilligan will do next?

Image courtesy Flickr/B_Zedan