Is there room for positive penis-based art?

If the little head downstairs could talk

When you browse through art galleries, look into performance poetry, or even search the Internet, not too many passionate, creative and non-disgusting references to male anatomy pop up. This may not come as much of a shock to most. Browsing the net, though, I stumbled across an article based on what your penis would say if he could talk.  

Though thoroughly entertaining (if you are into penis jokes), it got me wondering why there is such a small number of passionate or beautiful mediums about the male anatomy. With art from many periods portraying feminine beauty, and the Vagina Monologues entertaining and opening up dialogue for many around the world, where is the medium allowing the penis to talk positively?

While many musicians of the rap persuasion often allude to their male anatomy, this isn't exactly the truly artistic penis-based media one searching would hope to find. One not so small piece (pun intended) that does portray some positive imagery around the penis is poem by Brian Omni Dillon. Known for his outlandish, in-your-face approach, Omni’s poem touches on the idea around dumb penis references, and turns it into a somewhat endearing love letter to a person of interest. Maybe not the best piece of penis-based performance art, but hey, it’s a start right?

In all honesty, the beautification of the female anatomy through art, Vagina Monologues, and other mediums is a positive approach to sexuality. It opens up dialogue, and sheds light on a topic that can be tough to approach. Vagina Monologues in particular has become a world wide, yearly occurrence that gives women of all ages the chance to empower themselves and their gender. Positive sexuality comes through communication, so maybe it’s the time for male creatives around the planet to hop on board the anatomy beautification and self-love train, and start letting their penises talk in a manor other than negative