Boxes feature funny sayings and endangered species artwork.

Health organization hands out endangered species condoms

A health organization gave out 15,000 endangered species condoms on Earth Day in an effort to gain attention to planetary overpopulation. The Center for Biological Diversity packed up the prophylactics and headed out to more than 20 Earth Day events to hand out to people in an awkward example of environmental conservation.

Humanity’s overpopulation is rampant and as we expand our own civilization to adapt to this population surge, native plants and animals are paying the price. Forests are being leveled and animals are being forced from their homes. The center developed the 7 Billion and Counting program to show people that unrestricted growth is having a major impact and the condoms are a great way to get the conversation started.

The 15,000 condoms given out this past Earth Day pales in comparison to the 500,000 given out since the program's creation. The condoms are beautifully packaged with artwork depicting endangered animals and humorous saying including: “Hump Smarter: Save the Snail Darter,” “Use a Stopper: Save the Hopper” and “Wear a Jimmy Hat: Save the Big Cat.”

The condoms are given out to night clubs, college health centers and many other places where people may congregate and start thinking with their Jimmy. It’s doubtful that college students are contemplating the conservation efforts of the leatherback turtle as they get ready for some carnal embrace, but the center hopes it may at least get them thinking about it.

The population of the planet has doubled since 1970, reaching more than 7 billion and that number is expected to rise to 9 billion by 2050. Many women around the world do not have access to birth control and family planning services and as the population grows the wild and plant life are being impacted. I can’t help but question whether the money spent on the condoms and artwork could be better spent on developing family planning services. They’re a great publicity stunt, but I doubt how much education actually happens. 

Photo courtesy of Ecorazzi