The list is growing, exponentially.

Guess who's guest starring on 'Arrested Development?'

I'm absolutely certain I'm not alone in counting the months, weeks, hours and minutes until the new season of Arrested Development starts on Netflix. No, I have no doubt many of you are like me, eagerly pouncing on any morsel of AD-related information out there. After all, we've been doing it for years, haven't we? Well, I have some news. And it's great news. It'll make you feel all warm and squiggly inside.

The list of guest stars for the resurrection of the Arrested Development TV series has grown, once again. It now includes....drum roll please...Kristen Wiig and Seth Rogen! As if the mere fact that we're getting a whole new season of Arrested Development wasn't enough, we now have a list of guest stars that rivals anything I've ever seen before. Among them: Andy Richter, Isla Fisher, Liza Minnelli, Judy Greer, John Slattery, Henry Winkler, Scott Baio, Carl Weathers and Conan O'Brien. Yeah it's good stuff, and it's great that they're bringing back many of these actors for another go-round on the show.

Now, here's a bit of a spoiler, so if you don't want to know, don't read anymore. We don't know anything about Seth Rogen's Arrested Development character, but thanks to the good folks at Vulture, we do know that Kristen Wiig will play a "young Lucille Bluth." It's absolutely perfect, isn't it?

If you're not a Kristen Wiig fan, too bad. Deal with it! I'm thrilled. Nothing's gonna bring me down, because soon I'll be flying through all the new Arrested Development shows at warp speed. All we know right now is the show will debut this May, with all of the episodes coming at once. We don't know which day in May, and that's a detail I hope we get soon. I'll need to plan on taking the next day off from work because, well, I won't be sleeping. I'll be watching. For now, I'm just brushing up on my Chicken Dance...

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