Find out what foodies think about the most popular diets.

Gourmet rates the diets

Let me start by saying it’s both fitting and hilarious that Gourmet Magazine should rate some of the most popular diets on the market today. Foodie culture is constantly promoting high-fat, high-calorie food via the medium of food porn. Consider their diet survey an atonement of sorts.

What drew me to this article is that it is primarily focused on “what it’s like to be on this diet.” Most assessments of diets point the finger from the outside. We critique protein balances and the impossibility of being satisfied with eating a banana for dessert. But Gourmet’s article tapped people who had actually tried the diets, and lets them explain in their own words what it was like – the good, the bad and the ugly.

The diets in question are the 17 Day Diet, The Dukan Diet, the Paleo Diet and Weight Watchers. I personally had not heard of the first two. (I am on the last two. At the same time. Yep, I’m pretty hard core. Also, pretty fat.) They start by giving an overview of each, covering each diet’s specific quirks and taboos. Then they go to the survey results.

Gourmet asked four questions: “How did you feel on this diet, emotionally and physically? What were the best things about the diet? What were the worst things about the diet? And finally, would you recommend this diet to a food-loving friend?

The results were interesting, particularly since no single conclusion is reached by the end of the article. It turns out that all four diets work pretty well, make you feel pretty good, and kind of suck to maintain day-in and day-out. No surprise there, but it’s interesting to read about the specific pluses and minuses of each diet, from people who have actually tried the diet and have no vested interest in convincing you either way.

It’s hard to find honest, unbiased information about the reality of various diets, and I hope Gourmet continues this as an occasional series.

Image courtesy of Flickr/coconut wireless