A possible resolution to the age-old border dispute and lopsided trade.

India hosts Chinese Premiere

As all things must between two of the largest and most heavily armed countries in Asia, the conflicts of the past (the recent past) are being put by the wayside in favor of progressive negotiations.  This week, the Chinese Premiere Li Keqiang took a visit to India and, in addition to pledging a more permanent resolution to the border problems, he is working hard to ensure that the Indian-Chinese alliance will become a major player in the world economy.

The premiere was received well in India, making a good impression overall.  Apparently, he’s quite the scholar on India and their culture.  His easy-going nature and willingness to address the press has taken away at least some of the animosity that the Indian people hold toward China for their recent border incursion.

He was mainly in India to talk trade, although the problem of the border did come up.  A plan was discussed that may help to prevent future conflicts by establishing a more solid division between the two countries - a resolution that has been for decades ignored.  Mainly, however, Li was there to talk trade.  The primary areas of discussion, how to put India and China in a position to become powerhouses on a global scale as well as the Indian government’s concern about the massive trade gap that now exists in China’s favor and the need to even it up.

This meeting was arranged well ahead of the problems at the India-China border, so I have to wonder whether the issue would have even come up if nothing had happened there.  Still, it’s a good opportunity for the two countries to finally put this age-old dispute to rest.  Whether it was just good timing or perhaps a more planned-out move by China is unknown.  Whatever the outcome, India and China will continue making money together and will, in time, become quite the force to be reckoned with.  Should they be able to survive their trials in the meantime, of course.

Indian money photo courtesy of കാക്കര