Enhanced eBooks from HarperCollins
Enhanced eBooks (EEB) are a new kind of eBook Perhaps more accurately, they are the evolving next step of what eBooks can be and are becoming. In essence, an EEB is an eBook with video, audio, images and other extras included as part of the reading experience. They work best on tablets designed for multi-media experiences.
HarperCollins is launching a new line of EEBs. Here's how they talk about it:
"Enhanced eBooks* include multimedia and bonus content not found in standard e-book editions.
Each of these unique eBook editions offers special features, from behind-the-scenes video to exclusive interviews; maps, music, timelines, photographs, ephemera, and illustrations."
They are making these available to iPads, iPhones, or iPod Touches, Nook Tablets, Kindle Fires and Kindle Reader apps for iOs.