Eerie New York: The Dakota Building

Sometimes it's easy to be skeptical when rumors of ghostly apparitions surface. Such is not the case with The Dakota at Central Park West. With more than a century of stories born from within its walls, it's no surprise that this historic landmark is believed to be one the most haunted building in NYC.

If you don't know the Dakota by name, you may be familiar with its history. On December 8th, 1980, John Lennon was assassinated in its driveway. Not only that, but before his death, Lennon claimed to have had many encounters with the spirit of a woman walking through the halls. He even gave her a name: The Crying Lady.

As with many reputedly eerie places in the city, the Dakota has been home to a multitude of well known guests who are no longer with us. Lillian Gish, Judy Garland, Boris Karloff and Lauren Bacall all visited or lived there at one time. The building was also the setting for Roman Polanski's legendary horror film Rosemary's Baby – arguably one of the most frightening movies ever made.

With so much creative energy most likely lingering in the rooms of this now prestigious apartment building, it's hard to believe there isn't a least a little something spooky going on inside.

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