Part IV: Planning your book release party

Five creative ideas to spice up your book launch

I've been to many book release parties and book readings, and while I love books, I do tend to get bored when the event is simply some wine and cheese on a small table, folding chairs and authors reading at a microphone. When I think about a book release party that I want to go to, it's based around the book, but offers something more.

When I did my own book release party, I incorporated beer, art, music and other authors and was thrilled to have 75 people come out. It was a great party, I sold all 25 books I brought along and I have a great memory.

Here are five creative ideas for making your book release party something special!

1. Themed beer & food: For my party, I asked a friend to brew a beer based on a theme from the book. It was awesome to have him there pouring it for everyone, and gave the party an extra dimension. But it doesn't have to be beer; it can be anything. Ask some of your talented friends to cook up something themed around the characters in your book and offer that on the table. An artist friend of mine always has milk & cookies at his shows, and that makes his events stand out. It doesn't have to be a huge production, just something that is satisfying but outside of the norm.

2. Other readers: Instead of making my release party all about me reading, I asked three other authors to come and read stories that were, like mine, about San Francisco. I got a storyteller, a thoughtful poet, and a slam poetry performer, which made for a fantastic evening with something for everyone. And they all brought their friends out, some of whom ended up liking and buying my book!

3. Art: I asked six artists to make paintings and take photographs based on the themes from my book. When it came time for my release party, I was able to hang their art throughout the gallery room where I did my reading. It was an excellent way to give everyone something to do while they were mingling before the reading. And, like having other readers read, it brought out more people than I could have brought out on my own. As an added bonus, the owner of the gallery where I did my reading asked if I would like to host a reading series there. When you put on a fun event that people come out for, it can be the beginning of more than just marketing for your book!

4. Puzzles: Imagine a book release party where every person that came in got a puzzle piece and had to go to a table across the room and fit their piece in with the others. The image could be the cover of the book, the scene you are going to read, or, if you're feeling vain, a portrait of the artist :) It would be a great way to get your guests talking to each other before the actual reading, and a fun way to give people one more thing to do before the reading.

5. Actors & readers: I once went to a book release party where the author had recruited local actors and actresses to do a dynamic reading of her book. It was a lot of fun, and intriguing to see people bring the characters to life with wildly different voices. Another friend told me about a series he does where he gives scenes from novels to a group of actors and lets them take creative license and present it in any way they want. He says that the series has become quite popular. Both of these ideas are similar, and the beauty of them is not only in their entertainment value. For authors who are not that comfortable with public speaking (there are plenty to be sure-- after all, we like to spend a lot of time alone writing), this is a fun way to get other people in front of the crowd and minimize the time when everyone is focusing on just you.

I did the first three for my release party, but I think that choosing and running with any one of these ideas will give your book release a new dimension to use in your promotions and enhance the experience of the night.

Have you seen any other fun, creative ideas for a release party?

Images courtesy of IanVisits and Bruce Guenter via flickr