"Build an author what? " is a pretty typical response from authors when I bring up the idea of the author platform. But it's usually the term "author platform," not the concept of having one that is truly foreign. Forbes has a great article about how important an author platform is, and Huffington Post has an equally great one about how hard an author platform is.
Most authors have some kind of author platform already, but few of us think about it that way.
An author platform is all of the places and groups, online and offline, where you present yourself and communicate as an author. If you're going to self-publish a book, it's important to identify where you are going to focus your time and energy on building that author platform. There are hundreds of social media networks and thousands of live events every year - which ones are the right places for you? It's a tough question.
For the last two days I talked about Objectives and Audience. The way I think about it, the spots where your objectives and your audience overlap are the prime spots to build your author platform.
For example, if your objective is to sell a lot of books and your target reader is an 18-25 year old man who likes cars, it makes sense to spend time on car-related social networks and go to car events as an author with a plan.
Or, if your objective is to be a thought-leader and your target market is 18-40 year old new mothers, it makes sense to be guest blogging on "Mommy Blogs" and doing readings at stores for 0-3 year olds.
It's not as simple as saying, I'm going to start a Twitter account and get followers or, I'm going to start going to writing conferences. Those may be good options, but only if they advance your objectives.
I think that's the key for building your author platform. Figure out what you want, who your people are and then spend your time and energy getting to know those communities. Before you know it, the opportunities will arise for marketing, connections, events and sales.
Have any of you built an author platform for a book? Any tips?
Image courtesy of Derable via flickr