5 intermediate strategies for authors

Author social media that goes beyond beginner level

Author platform building is a perpetual challenge that isn't easy. It takes a lot of time and energy, and even then, how effective it is depends a lot on how you approach it. It's easy to waste hours and hours on a new tool or strategy and end up with very little return but a lot of frustration. I've been there. I hear you. But for me, I try new things each week and tweak them for the following week, and I keep track of what works. I spend an hour or more each day just reading about social media tips and tricks-- for fun. I'm into it.

Last month I profiled 5 social media tools you aren't thinking enough about, and this week I'm going to dig past the surface and look at intermediate strategies for using social media to succeed and grow and author platform. Let me know if there is a specific platform or tool you want to hear about!

1. Google + for authors: There are those who claim that Google + is better for authors than Facebook. Is it? If so, how do you get the most out of it?

2. Pinterest: How can those of us who are in love with words find motivation and success on a social media platform built entirely around images?

3. I want to go viral: You hear about viral videos, viral marketing, and big data. But how can authors publishing and marketing from our living rooms have a chance at launching a viral book?

4. Guest Blogging: So you want to blog to help get the word about your book out there. Where do you get started? What is Page Rank and why is it important? What so you need to know about SEO?

5. Goodreads: You hear about this book-centric social media network all the time. But how do you get the most out of it? What does it mean that Goodreads just got bought out by Amazon?

Image source: Fora do Eixo via flickr