A celebrated web cooking show with a clever name.

Cooking Stoned

Cooking Stoned?! Is this, like, some dudes showing how to make munchies?


Cooking Stoned is the fantastic web cooking show by a friend of mine named Jerry James Stone. The name of the show is a clever play on his last name.

Jerry does the cooking show from his kitchen in San Francisco. What I like most about the show is that his videos are short and  to the point. Most of them are under 2:00 long and the longer ones are for more complicated recipes. He walks you through the steps to make something without showing you all the transition moments that TV cooking shows get bogged down with.

In addition, he also frequently has special guests, which keeps it personal and creative. It's fun to see the host of the show interact with other people in an authentic way, not just with the food!

He's also got a fun video tab full of YouTube segments you can browse to find something new to make for an afternoon by yourself, or for the potluck you got invited to next weekend. Some of them are quick tips for things you need to know how to do in the kitchen- like this one, where he teaches you how to get the seeds out of a pomegranate. Whatever you're into, there'll have something there you can make, and teach you how to do it.

Some of my recent favorites include the Jalapeño and cilantro margarita and the Persimmon Creamsicle Smoothie, for which I have to make a special, emphatic recommendation.

The last thing I'll say is that I've known Jerry for years and he's a great guy who is always exploring food and wine with a creative passion and a knack for making fun content. Nice job, Jerry!

If you haven't left this article yet to go start cooking for yourself, what are you waiting for?!

Image courtesy of TreeHugger profile

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