Another step toward equal rights for all.

Colorado passes civil unions

As a proud Coloradan, I’m happy to announce that this past week, Colorado passed a law allowing civil unions between same-sex couples. Having passed hateful legislations in the 90s that allowed employers to discriminate based on personal choices, traits and characterizes, this marks a huge push for equality in Colorado. This, along with the passing of a bill that legalized marijuana, is a huge push for our swing state to become a permanent blue.

Though the act has yet to be signed (it is expected to be signed this week), the civil unions act goes far beyond allowing walking, talking human beings to “legally,” in love one another, there are also many tangible outcomes as well. While same-sex couples are still not recognized as “married,” they are entitled to the,” …same rights, protections, and benefits of marriage.” This includes, among many other things, joint life and health insurance policies that were once reserved for heterosexual couples and families. The partner in the civil union will be filed as a dependent under renewed health policies in Colorado.

The downside, though, comes from the fact that state law is still trumped by federal law, and DC isn't ready to budge on same-sex couples. With that being said, although there are now joint health care plans for same-sex civil unions, taxation of these plans will still need to be filed individually. Taxation is based on federal laws, and with there being no civil union clauses on the federal level, taxes still need to be filed separately.

With Colorado taking the step to pass civil union laws, they join a small, but building, group of states working toward equality for same-sex couples. This group includes Maine, Maryland, Washington, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Delaware and Rhode Island.

In honor of celebrating another positive step toward equality for same-sex couples, or maybe those looking for a little hope in what can be a seemingly dire battle, I want to encourage everyone to take a look at the song and video for Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’, “Same Love.” While the battle for equality may not be easy, it is a battle worth fighting for, and one that will end in victory.

Photo courtesy of Metro Weekly