Is it time for one more run or rebuilding?

Celtics lose Rondo for the season

Imagine a team with aging veterans who, although not always performing all that well during the regular season, pack a fearsome playoff package. Imagine that mixed with a handful of young guards, one of which has become a team leader and a four-time all star. If you can picture this in your head, you're probably seeing green, because it is the exact formula of the Boston Celtics.

Though the Celtics aren't having the best season (21-23), they are still in the playoff hunt, and a team capable of knocking off the East-leading Miami Heat. With that being said, the team took a huge hit this week with star point guard Rajon Ronda falling victim to a torn ACL. Will the Celtics try and make a Rondo-less playoff run, or ship off aging vets for aspiring assets?

According to ESPN, Rondo has suffered a torn ACL, and will be getting season ending knee surgery sometime in the near future. Though he is seeking a second opinion, the road is looking very dire for Rondo to recover this season. He will be replaced by guard Courtney Lee, and a bulk of the work will be placed on fellow starter Avery Bradley. Though no word on the situation yet, veteran sixth man Jason Terry may be seeing a change in his role as well.

The question in the short-term for the Celtics now is what can they do to make a playoff run. Though at the time of this article, they find themselves in 8th place, they are only a game and a half away from losing their hold on the final playoff spot. With the core of the team still being based around Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett, strong defense, clutch playing and championship experience are still abundant. The loss of Ray Allen over the off-season was tough, but Jason “the Jet,” Terry hasn't been a complete slouch at filling in. The back end of the East’s playoff picture always leaves room for error, and a team with as much talent and experience as the Celts should be able to steal a spot.

Though playoff births are great, with the Celtics history, very few in Boston will be placated with a first-round knock out. Rumors have been following the Celts aging roster for some time, but with road to another championship looking pretty dismal, Bean town may be in line for a trade. Garnett was given a no-trade clause in his most recent contract, so unless he sees greener pastures, it is unlikely he will be shipped off anywhere soon.

The other option would be shopping the most prolific Celtic since Larry Bird; Paul Pierce  Former championship MVP and heart and soul of the Celts, Pierce is still a huge asset to any team. He can score, pass and defend, but at his age, he may not have the capacity to carry a team on his back. Though he would definitely garner some cap flexibility and a slew of draft picks or young talent, would this hit to the Celts be enough to drive off fans and decent play for the long term?

Though this season has been tumultuous for the Celtics, the future doesn't seem to be any less erratic. Garnett and Pierce are both edging closer to retirement, and with Ray Allen having jumped ship in the off season already breaking up Boston’s big three, the Celtics' management is going to have to make some tough decisions in the upcoming weeks and off season. 

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